Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Year End Technology Checkout, June 2019

Please complete the following list of items before checking out of your classroom for the summer:

  • Change your password.
    Visit http://password.calschools.org to change your password before you leave for the summer (Note, this link is only available inside the CCS network). This will ensure your password does not expire over the summer. See the following  knowledge base article for more information on changing your password:  https://kb.calschools.org/KnowledgebaseArticle50012.aspx.

  • Turn off all computers (CPU), monitors, scanners and, projectors in your classroom. Do not unplug devices from their power or unplug your phone or network cables from the wall.
  • All school owned student device screens and keyboards should be cleaned by the last day of school with the screen wipes that were provided.
  • All labels applied to any device by the teacher or student MUST be removed and surfaces cleaned of any sticky residue that may be left behind.  (GooGone works well for this.)
  • All school owned student devices must be returned to their carts. Leave your carts in your classroom so they can be inventoried and receive maintenance.
    • Please attach keys and/or keycards to the cart.  Padlock combinations can be emailed to Amy Jordan; be sure to include your building name, room number and grade.
  • Please submit a work order through the Help Desk if:
    • Any of your Chromebooks are broken or need repair (place the Chromebook on top of the cart)
    • You have broken equipment or work to be completed in your classroom
    • You have unused technology equipment in your classroom that you would like removed
  • Make sure to process and clear pending voicemails from your phone. Consider setting your voicemail message so callers will know if and/or how you will monitoring and responding to voicemails. See https://kb.calschools.org/KnowledgebaseArticle50058.aspx
  • Consider setting the email Vacation Responder to inform people if and/or how you will be responding to school emails. See https://kb.calschools.org/KnowledgebaseArticle50036.aspx
If you do not want to take your laptop home for the summer do not leave it in your classroom. Turn it in to your main office and submit a help desk ticket to let us know. Make sure to put a note on it with your name, room number, and building. We will make sure it is charged and returned to you when you come back.

If you will be leaving the district and not returning for the 2019-20 school year and still have district issued equipment, email your building principal and return the equipment to your main office no later than June 7, 2019.  Principals, please contact Amy Jordan when you have received the equipment, it will need to be serviced before it is issued to another staff member.

If you will be changing buildings for next year you will need to have your laptop inventoried and serviced by the Technology Department. Please contact Amy Jordan to schedule an appointment with Technology Staff to complete the laptop service. There are building specific services that will need to be addressed.

You will want to periodically check your email throughout the summer to keep up with any news or changes. You can also visit http://www.calschools.org/technews  for up-to-date information on Technology Department projects and initiatives.

Have an awesome summer! 

Google Classroom Tips!

Continuing with our Google tips, here are some tips for Google Classroom: 1. Add a file to an assignment  Adding a Google doc/sheet/slide fi...